Are you thinking of funding your business with a bank loan? It may be helpful to know what financial institutions are looking for when deciding whether to approve your business loan application. How banks decide whether to give you a business loan While there are a few different ways to fund your business, including through your own savings or...
Owning a small business is like having a child that doesn’t sleep, according to Tamara Cook, owner of events management agency, Known Associates Events. “Of course, it’s extremely joyful but it’s also all-consuming and always in the back of your mind,” said Tamara. Freedom of running own business Tamara founded Known Associates in 2007. The...
Running a business brings with it a number of risks and rewards. We asked members of our Facebook group, I’m a small business owner in Western Australia, what the best and worst things are about running their business. Here is some of their collective wisdom… It gives you a sense of purpose One of the overwhelming positives of running a small...
As a business owner, there might be times when you have uncollected goods from your customers sitting on your premises. This might include furniture or equipment left behind in a space, or something your customer never came back to collect, such as a watch or even a car left for repairs which turned out to be more than the value of the item itself...
Being aware of the early warning signs that your business may be in trouble will provide you with the best opportunity to take action and turn things around.
Throughout 2018, our staff have been hitting the airwaves on RTRFM’s ‘Taking Care of Business’ show. As part of these monthly chats, we have been able to provide business advice, information on current trends and issues facing small businesses in WA and to share details of our small business workshops and events. If you missed the interviews when...
The rapidly unfolding coronavirus pandemic is creating unprecedented disruption and concern for small businesses across WA. Here is what we are doing.
On 1 July 2024, Business Local became SBDC Regional. While the name has changed, we’re still here providing you with free business advice and support in your area. Find your SBDC Regional provider . Launching, running and growing one business is an achievement that takes a considerable amount of time, enthusiasm and effort. In Pat McCarthy’s case...
On 1 July 2024, Business Local became SBDC Regional. While the name has changed, we’re still here providing you with free business advice and support in your area. Find your SBDC Regional provider . Living in the Kimberley region gives photographer Landi Bradshaw access to some of the world’s most incredible landscapes. But when it comes to running...
If you’re setting up or buying a food-based business, there are two key features to look out for when leasing your business premises.
Our latest research shows that small business is generating real returns for the Western Australian economy.
Have financial constraints caused you to avoid seeking legal advice to help you and your business? This is a situation that many small business owners find themselves in. Often, the time and resources needed to pursue a legal matter (like a breach of contract or unpaid invoice) causes business owners to walk away from the issue. The good news is...