On 1 July 2024, Business Local became SBDC Regional. While the name has changed, we’re still here providing you with free business advice and support in your area. Find your SBDC Regional provider.

Living in the Kimberley region gives photographer Landi Bradshaw access to some of the world’s most incredible landscapes. But when it comes to running her own business, sometimes she needs additional help navigating the business landscape.

One of the challenges facing regional business owners can be when access to relevant small business advice seems hard to find. Fortunately, Landi discovered the SBDC’s statewide Business Local service, offered in her area through Kimberley Small Business Support.

Business Local offers a network of skilled business advisers throughout regional WA who are available to provide advice to small business operators at no cost. The service is an initiative of the SBDC, funded by the WA Government.

Here is Landi’s story – and how Business Local has become a great source of support for her business.

Turning a passion into a business

Landi’s passion for photography started at a young age, documenting family holidays with her treasured film camera. She began using the free Business Local advisory service in 2015 after she decided to turn her hobby into something more, and launched her Kununurra-based business, Landi Bradshaw Photography.

Her business offers a range of photography services for weddings, family portraits, commercial photography and events, and a landscape photography gallery which captures the region’s stunning landscapes, iconic boab trees and spectacular sunsets.

Snapping up relevant small business advice

WA’s regions are unique – and business operators face a range of challenges that other businesses might not have to consider. With Business Local advisers available for one-on-one appointments, the advice can be tailored for each business and their unique challenges.

“In the beginning, I didn’t know where to start so having quality advice was really valuable in getting the business off the ground,” says Landi. “It definitely helped kick-start my business.”

Landi said the breadth of expertise offered by the Business Local network could not be underestimated. The service also offers group workshops on a range of subjects, including business planning, financial management, taxation, leasing requirements, marketing, social media and business expansion.

“I did a few workshops but the real value was the fact that they have a lot of different business advisers with different expertise, which meant I had support from a range of mentors – everything from the basics of running a business, to accounting and a bit of marketing.

Expanding her business

Landi Bradshaw Photography has been growing and Landi recently employed her first staff member who helps manage admin and marketing. Landi is also recommending the Business Local service to friends and people in her business networks.

“Business Local is really handy because it’s a free service and you have endless knowledge on tap. I’ve told lots of friends who have been starting up small businesses in town over the years about it.”

“They have a range of people who have their own businesses or work in other jobs and utilise their skills to help people who are starting out.”

Giving back to the community

In 2020, Landi launched The Driveway Project, a free community photographic initiative which aimed inject some positivity into the towns of Kununurra and Wyndham during pandemic lockdowns.

“When COVID hit and everyone was a bit sad and apprehensive, I ran a free photography project while everyone was social distancing. It consisted of capturing photographs of people in their driveways,” she says.

Every afternoon for five weeks, Landi photographed families across 150 homes with 10-minute slots for each residence. During that time, her photographic subjects included 213 babies and children, 112 dogs, eight horses and a goat.

“Everyone got a free photo shoot out of it, but it turned into something much bigger. I’d post the photos every night on social media so it became a nightly instalment. Everyone just loved it. My plan is to do it every two years as a little snapshot of life in Kununurra and Wyndham.”

Find out more

At the SBDC, we’re on a mission to help WA small businesses such as Landi Bradshaw Photography start well, survive and thrive. If you’re looking for support and advice for your small business in regional WA, find the Business Local regional business support you need.

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Small business stories
04 October 2022