The Western Australian Small Business Commissioner is committed to improving the operating environment for small business owners.

The Commissioner, supported by the Small Business Development Corporation, will investigate behaviours from the private sector, State Government or local government bodies, that adversely impact the commercial activity of small businesses, including subcontractors.

What are adverse behaviours against small business?

Behaviours that can disadvantage small businesses include:

  • systemic late payments
  • non-payment
  • unfair contract terms or a breach of contract
  • green washing (Making something seem better for the environment than it really is. This can apply to a single product or sometimes an entire business model.)
  • black cladding (The practice of a non-Aboriginal business taking unfair advantage of an Aboriginal business entity or individual for the purpose of gaining access to otherwise inaccessible Aboriginal procurement policies or contracts.)
  • any other unethical or improper conduct that negatively affects a small business.

The person making the report does not need to identify themselves, or to make a formal complaint, for the Small Business Commissioner to determine that a matter requires investigation.

Safe2Say - Anonymous reporting platform

Safe2Say, powered by CrimeStoppersWA, provides a platform to anonymously report behaviours of other organisations against a small business.

Safe2Say allows you to:

  1. make an anonymous report about conduct that you believe is having an adverse impact upon small businesses in WA.
  2. continue to communicate anonymously with the SBDC as the matter progresses.
  3. Use the ‘Follow up’ function to monitor the status of your report without revealing your identity.


Please note this reporting platform is for small business owners to report adverse behaviours affecting them.

Complaints from customers should be directed to Consumer Protection and employee issues with FairWork (national industrial relations system) or the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (state industrial relations system).

What will the Commissioner do with your report?

The Commissioner, supported by the SBDC’s experienced investigators, will undertake an assessment of your report to determine what action can be taken, and by whom. You will know the next steps for your report within five business days of submitting it.

At no stage during this process will you be required to identify yourself, unless you choose to.

Make a report

Make a report on the secure Safe2Say platform

Other ways to contact us

Looking for other ways to contact us without initially identifying yourself? Call our Investigations and Inquiry team on 1300 110 232.