All new businesses start with an idea. Conducting thorough research during the business start-up phase can help you discover if you’re on the right road to success.

We know there are a number of costs associated with starting and running a business, so we encourage you to make use of the wide range of free information and resources available to help you assess if your business idea will work or help you create your business plan.

These include:

IBIS World market research and industry reports

Conducting market research can be a time consuming and costly exercise. As a benefit to Western Australian business owners, the SBDC can provide you with free access to the industry-leading IBIS World reports.

The research available via IBIS World includes industry trends, market research and statistics to help you make informed business decisions.

To gain free access to IBIS World, or to find out more about the information available via this tool, just contact us via Live Chat.

Australian benchmarking data

We can provide you with access to benchmarking data and information via our free business advisory service.

Contact us to talk with an adviser to discuss the research or data that can support your business idea or plan. Let us know the industry you’re interested in and that you’d like to find out more about the benchmarking data for that industry and our business adviser can walk you through the data in person, over the phone or via an online meeting.

To access this service, call 133 140 or booking in a meeting with one of our experienced business advisers.

Business Licence Finder

Discover the licences and permits you’ll need to run your business by using our free online Business Licence Finder. Our licence finder can provide you with accurate and up to date information on all licences and permits required under local, state and national laws.

If you get stuck, our Live Chat team can help guide you through the process of generating your free, customised, business licence report.

ABS location based data

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provides key statistical information by geographical area that can also be useful to reference when creating your business plan.

This data includes the estimated population, number of businesses, median total income and other key demographic data of the residents and businesses in the area.

Visit the ABS website to get started.

Contact us for the support you need

The SBDC provides a wide range of free resources to help you start well in business, including our free business advisory service.

To speak to a member of our advisory team, call us on 133 140, use the Live Chat option on our website or make an appointment  to speak with an adviser.

Starting and growing
11 June 2024