Eligibility Criteria

Can I apply as a not-for-profit or charity organisation?


I operate my business from home, can I apply?

No - you must occupy a commercial premises as an owner or tenant to be eligible for this rebate.

I use more than 50 megawatt hours or $15,000 or per annum in electricity – am I eligible?

No – this payment is designed for small businesses or charities that consume less than this amount of electricity every year.

Are any business types excluded from the grant?

Eligibility criteria apply. The following electricity account types are not eligible for the payment: 

  • an account held by a local government authority, council or entity created pursuant to the Local Government Act 1995 (WA).
  • an account held by a Western Australian or Commonwealth Government statutory authority, trading enterprise, department, or agency.
  • an account held by a telecommunication company that is, for example part of the corporate group of, Telstra, Vodafone, Optus or the National Broadband Network.
  • an account held by an authorised deposit taking institution where the entity that is, for example part of the corporate group of, Westpac, Australian and New Zealand Banking Group, Commonwealth Bank or National Australia Bank.
  • an account held by a major mining or resources operator, that is, for example part of the corporate group of - BHP, Rio Tinto, FMG, Chevron and Woodside.
  • an account for temporary electricity supply for the purposes of constructing premises.
  • an account where consumption at the premises was more than 50MWh or where this is not measured, be liable for more than $15,000 in the 12 months prior to 17 June 2024.
  • an account where the SBDC reasonably expects consumption for the account to be more than 50MWh or where this is not measured, be liable for more than $15,000 prior to 17 June 2024.
  • direct customers of Synergy and Horizon Energy.

Must I have incurred electricity costs for a full 12 months prior to 17 June 2024 to be eligible for the rebate?

No, the small business or charity must have incurred electricity costs on 17 June 2024.


What is the maximum amount I can claim under this grant?

The rebate is $725 (GST free).

What can I use the funding for?

While the payment is intended to relieve increased cost-of-living pressures for small businesses and charities, there are no requirements as to how your payment is used.

Will I have to pay tax on the rebate?

We recommend you seek independent advice about the tax implications of receiving this grant.

Supporting your application

What evidence will I need to provide to support my application?

  • An unredacted (full and complete) PDF copy of your business bank statement for the period 1 April 2024 up to and including 17 June 2024, that clearly shows the BSB, account number, trading/business name and transactions relating to the main trading activities of the business.
  • A copy of your rates notice or tenancy agreement.
  • Evidence of a payment for electricity costs incurred on 17 June 2024 for example, an invoice issued by your landlord or the entity supplying your power.

How do I upload evidence in support of my application?

At the appropriate stage in the application process, you will be prompted to upload your document. Unless otherwise indicated, supporting evidence must be uploaded in PDF format. We may accept documents in JPG or PNG formats, however this is by exception. 

Tip: It is highly recommended you do this from a desktop device and not a mobile phone if possible.

Why do I need to provide a PDF copy of my bank statement?

To assist in validating the eligibility of the application and protect the program from fraud, it is important we receive an unedited/unredacted PDF copy of your most recent business bank statement of the account into which the grant will be paid.

If I have previously received the Small Business and Charities Energy Bill Relief payment via the SBDC in 2023, do I need to provide all my information again?

If you were an eligible recipient of the $650 credit for the Small Business and Charities Energy Bill Relief payment via the SBDC last year, you may be eligible to apply for the new credit payment via a fast track process. You will be contacted directly via email if this is the case.

Application Processing

When do applications close?

Applications close at 4pm (AWST) on 31 March 2025.

How will I find out if my application is successful?

All applicants will be notified in writing via email of the outcome of an application as soon as practical.

How long will it take to receive the money if I’m successful?

You should receive payment within five business days after receipt of advice of a successful application.

Who do I contact with any queries regarding the application process?

If you have any queries about the application process please email grants@smallbusiness.wa.gov.au.

What happens if I receive a grant but it is later discovered that my business was ineligible?

The grant is awarded based on the information you provide in your application. The WA Government will conduct audits of this information and reserves the right to recover any payments that did not meet the eligibility guidelines. If, when making an application for this grant you knowingly provide false or misleading information, create a document, impersonate a person or business with the intent to deceive the grant provider in order to obtain a benefit, this may constitute a fraud offence under the Criminal Code Act 1913 and be subject to criminal penalties.

The Small Business Development Corporation is administering and delivering a joint State-Commonwealth funded $725 Small Business Electricity Credit to eligible small businesses and charities that operate in embedded networks in WA. This will be in the form of a GST-free direct payment to eligible applicants. 

On 9 May 2024 the State Government announced a one-off credit of $400 to reduce electricity bills for small business, as well as residential, customers. On Tuesday 14 May 2024, the Commonwealth government announced additional funding of $325 for small business energy bill relief. The joint one-off payment to small businesses in embedded networks will be $725. 

Electricity through an embedded network

Eligible small businesses and charities that receive electricity through an embedded network supply arrangement, may apply for and receive a one-off $725 payment via the SmartyGrants portal. The grant application process opened on 4 July 2024 and will close on 31 March 2025.

Embedded networks include examples such as shopping centres, businesses operating from airports, ports and industrial parks, businesses that have a sub-meter linked to a master meter controlled by the landlord, and circumstances where landlords purchase electricity from energy providers and on-sell the electricity to their small business and charity tenants. 

The Small Business Electricity Credit is part of the Energy Price Relief Rebates, co-funded by the Commonwealth and State Government to reduce the cost of electricity bills for eligible small businesses and charities. 

Customers of private electricity retailers

Eligible small businesses and charities that are billed by alternate private energy retailers such as Alinta and Perth energy may apply for the Small Business Electricity Credit via the SBDC.

Synergy or Horizon Power customers

Small businesses and charities that receive their electricity through Synergy or Horizon Power do not need to take any action. You will receive a direct credit to eligible electricity accounts in two instalments of $362.50 in the July-August and December-January billing cycles.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for the Small Business Electricity Credit Scheme, the applicant must meet all the criteria listed below:

  1. Have held a valid and active ABN as a small business or charity on 17 June 2024 and for the period covered by their application.
  2. Be a small business or charity consuming less than 50 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity per year or where this is not measured, be liable for less than $15,000 per annum in electricity costs.
  3. The small business or charity was incurring electricity costs on 17 June 2024.
  4. If not on an embedded network/submetering arrangement, would otherwise fall within the scope of one of the following electricity retail tariff classes as specified in the Energy Operators (Electricity Generation and Retail Corporation) (Charges) By-laws 2006 or the Energy Operators (Regional Power Corporation) (Charges) By-laws 2006:
    1. C1 or C2
    2. D1 or D2
    3. L1 or L2
    4. R1 or R2
  5. Must occupy a commercial premise as owner or tenant.
  6. Not be directly billed by Synergy or Horizon Power.
  7. Be receiving power on-supplied via an embedded network/submetering arrangement.
  8. Not be:
    1. A government entity.
    2. A telecommunication provider.
    3. An authorised deposit taking institution.
    4. A major mining or resources operator.
    5. An account for temporary electricity supply for the purposes of constructing premises.
    6. An account where consumption is reasonably expected to exceed 50MWh or where this is not measured, be liable for more than $15,000 in the 12 months prior to 17 June 2024.
  9. Provide an unredacted PDF copy of the business bank statement showing transactions for the period 1 April 2024 up to and including 17 June 2024, that clearly shows the BSB, account number, the trading/business name associated with the application.
  10. The application must be received by 4:00pm, 31 March 2025.
  11. Agree to the program’s Terms and Conditions.

Ineligible applicants

Applicants will not be eligible for relief under this program if they are:

  • A government entity.
  • A telecommunication provider.
  • An Authorised deposit taking institution.
  • A major mining or resources operator.
  • An account for temporary electricity supply for the purposes of constructing premises.
  • An account where consumption is reasonably expected to exceed 50MWh or where this is not measured, be liable for more than $15,000 in the 12 months prior to 17 June 2024.
  • Direct customers of Synergy and Horizon Energy are also ineligible for this program. They will receive their rebate directly from these organisations as credits to their electricity bill. 

Tip See FAQs for further advice on ineligible applicants

Program guidelines

Download the Program Guidelines, Terms and Conditions 

Read the frequently asked questions 

How to apply 

Preparing for your Application 

Prepare for your application by gathering the following information and documents. At the appropriate stage in the application process, you will be prompted to upload your document and unless otherwise indicated supporting evidence must be uploaded in PDF format. We may accept documents in JPG or PNG formats, however this is by exception. Electronic copies of documents will not be accepted if they are redacted or in any way designed to mislead.

  • Your Australian Business Number (ABN). You can find this number on any letter the government has sent to your business Alternatively you can use the ABN Lookup tool to search your business. You do not need to provide supporting evidence, simply quote this number.
  • Confirmation that you are the owner or tenant of your business premises by providing a copy of your rates assessment or tenancy agreement.
  • Confirm your business bank details by providing an unredacted PDF copy of the business bank statement showing transactions for the period 1 April 2024 up to and including 17 June 2024, that clearly shows the BSB, account number and the trading/business name associated with the application. 

Please note: If you were an eligible recipient of the $650 credit for the 2023 Small Business and Charities Energy Bill Relief payment via the SBDC, you may be eligible to apply for the new credit payment via a fast track process. You will be contacted directly via email if this is the case and do not need to apply via the link below. 

Start your application

Information on grants, including those administered by the SBDC, for eligible small business owners in Western Australia.

Small Business Electricity Credit

A joint State-Commonwealth funded Small Business Electricity Credit of $725 is available to eligible small businesses and charities that operate in embedded networks in WA.

Other business grants

Check for any current grants that your business may be eligible for across local, state and federal governments.

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Eligibility Criteria

I haven’t undertaken the clean up or reinstatement activities at my business yet, can I apply for this financial support so I can undertake these activities?

Yes, you can apply for an initial amount of up to $15,000. To support an initial claim, please provide quotations, invoices and official receipts which can be supported by evidence such as photographs.

Following an initial claim, you may apply for subsequent claim(s) of up to $35,000 (total of $50,000) for the Small Business Program and up to $60,000 (total of $75,000) for the Medium Business Program. To support subsequent claims, full evidence of payment is required, including for any amounts claimed under the initial claim if evidence of full payment has not already been provided.

I’ve already paid to have the clean-up and reinstatement activities at my business done, but I didn’t get/have lost the invoice/receipt. Can I still apply?

No, we can only consider claims that are supported by documentation which clearly shows evidence of payment. This means:

a) an invoice showing full details of the goods or services provided, including the name, address and ABN (if applicable) of the supplier or contractor issuing the invoice. The goods and services described on each invoice must be clearly identifiable as having been paid by the applicant and being related to damage from the cyclone.


b) evidence of payment for these invoices. This could be an official receipt from suppliers or contractors or a copy of bank transfer(s) and/or bank statement(s) showing that payment has been made.

Can I apply if my business is providing short-term holiday accommodation (including Airbnb) or longer-term accommodation?

Yes, providing you are running this as a legitimate small business, with an ABN, and you meet all other grant eligibility. Properties owned through a superannuation fund or personal investment, do not meet the criteria of a small business.

I am renting my business premises, can my landlord claim too?

Yes, both you (as the tenant) and your landlord can make separate claims for the costs for which you have respective responsibility.

Can I apply as a not-for-profit or charity organisation?

Only not-for-profits that do not receive the majority of their income from Government funding are eligible to apply. For example, social enterprises and income generating businesses run by not-for-profit bodies may apply for the programs.

I operate my business from home, can I apply?

If your business is home-based you can only claim the costs of clean-up and reinstatement for damage to the premises and items which are directly attributable to the business, not other household damage.

I have more than one business registered under the same ABN – can I apply for both?

To be eligible for assistance for separate businesses under a single ABN, applicants must be able to demonstrate:

  • that each business claimed for under a single ABN is a bona-fide business that can continue to operate unencumbered, even if the other business under the ABN ceases trading, and
  • where businesses under a single ABN are involved in upstream/downstream operations, each can function as a separate commercial operation as distinct from a number of branches of a single operation
  • the businesses were individually impacted and the claim relates to separate premises or plant and equipment.

Am I eligible to apply for a grant if I have made an insurance claim to cover the cost of activities associated with clean-up and reinstatement?

The grants are not intended to meet costs for clean-up and reinstatement activities that can be claimed under your insurance policy. However, you may be eligible to claim for these costs if they are not covered by your insurance or for amounts that are not fully covered by your insurance.

How do I calculate if my business has fewer than 20 employees?

Your business is regarded as having fewer than 20 full time equivalent (FTE) employees if the sum total of all standard working hours worked by all employees (whether full-time or part-time) is less than the number of standard hours which would be worked by 20 full-time employees.


What is the maximum amount I can claim under this grant?

The Small Business Program provides reimbursement grants of up to a maximum of $50,000 to eligible small businesses to assist with costs of eligible activities.

The Medium Business Program provides reimbursement grants of up to a maximum of $75,000 to eligible medium businesses to assist with costs of eligible activities.

Grant applications up to the maximum amount can be made in one claim. In this case, applicants must provide evidence that full payment has been made.

If required, multiple applications can be made up to the maximum grant amount available under the Programs. In these circumstances the following applies:

  • An initial amount of up to $15,000 is available (an initial claim). To support an initial claim quotations, invoices and official receipts are required and can be supported by evidence such as photographs.
  • Subsequent amount(s) of up to a total of $35,000 for the Small Business Program and $60,000 for the Medium Business Program is available (a subsequent claim). To support subsequent claims, full evidence of payment is required. This evidence must also be provided for any amounts claimed under the initial claim if evidence of full payment has not already been provided.

Where an applicant is approved for funding under $15,000 on the supply of a quote, they must agree to provide sufficient evidence of full payment within 12 months of receiving the grant.

What can I use the funding for?

Grants are provided to help pay for the costs of the clean-up and reinstatement of small businesses. This includes:

  • Hiring or leasing equipment and materials to undertake clean-up of property, premise or equipment.
  • Purchasing equipment and materials to undertake clean-up of property, premise or equipment if the delivery agency is satisfied the equipment or materials are not ordinarily available for lease or hire.
  • Carting away damaged goods and material, including cost of disposal.
  • Payment for tradespeople to conduct safety inspections of damage to a property, premises or equipment.
  • Repairs to premises and internal fittings (e.g. floor covering, electrical rewiring, shelving) if the repair or replacement is essential for resuming operations of the business.
  • Purchase or hire/lease costs for equipment essential to the immediate resumption of operations.
  • Employing a person to clean a property, premise or equipment if the cost would not ordinarily have been incurred in the absence of the disaster, or the cost exceeds the cost that would ordinarily have been incurred in the absence of the disaster (only the excess costs are eligible).
  • Leasing of temporary premises for the purpose of resuming operation of the business.
  • Replacement of lost or damaged stock, which is essential to the immediate resumption of operations.
  • Costs associated with insurance excess and insurance claim shortfall that are directly related to the eligible disaster.

Can I claim loss of income under this grant?

No, you are unable to claim loss of income under this grant.

Can the funds be used to repair/replace business vehicles?

Yes, providing that they were essential for the immediate resumption of your business and not covered by your insurance policy.

Supporting your application

What evidence will I need to provide to support my application?

  • Photographs – must clearly show damage to the property and have a brief explanation of what they are showing contained in the title or name – metadata recording the date and location.
  • Invoices – must include the name, address, date and ABN (if applicable) of the entity that has issued the invoice. The goods and services described on each invoice must be clearly identifiable and be paid by the applicant.
  • Receipts – must include the name, address, date and ABN (if applicable) of the entity that issued the receipt and have a description of each item to which the receipt relates.
  • Rates notice or least agreement.
  • Quotes – must include the name, address, date and ABN (if applicable) of the entity that has quoted, including a description of each item included in the quote.
  • Bank statement or bank transfer – bank statement(s) or transfer(s) must be provided to demonstrate payment along with official receipt(s) from suppliers or contractors.

How do I upload evidence in support of my application?

You may already have these documents on your computer or smart device. If not, take a photo with your smartphone or scan them. If you don’t have a scanner, ask for help at your local library or community resource centre, or download one of the many free scanner apps available to your smartphone. (Adobe Scan and Genius Scan are both free and easy to use.) We will accept documents in PDF, JPG or PNG formats, but not as hard (printed) copies. At the appropriate stage in the application process, you will be prompted to upload the document from your device. It is recommended you do this from a desktop device and not a mobile phone if possible.

Why do I need to provide a PDF copy of my bank statement?

To assist in validating the eligibility of the application and protect the program from fraud, it is important we receive an unedited/unredacted PDF copy of your most recent business bank statement of the account into which the grant will be paid.

Tax implications

Will I have to pay tax on the grant?

The Federal Government has defined these grants as non-assessable, non-exempt (NANE) income. This is income that is not assessed as part of your tax return and you do not pay tax on.

Read further information on non-assessable non-exempt income from the Australian Tax Office.

We recommend you seek your own independent advice about the tax implications of receiving this grant.

Should I include the GST amount in my claim?

Applicants registered for GST must make a claim for reimbursement of costs exclusive of GST. Applicants not registered for GST may a claim for reimbursements of costs inclusive of GST.

Application Processing

When do applications close?

Applications close at 5.00pm (AWST) on 30 June 2024

Note: Recovery activities after 30 June 2024 are not eligible for reimbursement.

How will I find out if my application is successful?

All applicants will be notified in writing via email of the outcome of an application as soon as practical.

How long will it take to receive the money if I’m successful?

You should receive payment within five (5) business days after receipt of advice of a successful application.

Who do I contact with any queries regarding the application process?

If you have any queries about the application process please email grants@smallbusiness.wa.gov.au.

What happens if I receive a grant but it is later discovered that my business was ineligible?

The grant is awarded based on the information you provide in your application. The WA Government will conduct audits of this information and reserves the right to recover any payments that did not meet the eligibility guidelines. If, when making an application for this grant you knowingly provide false or misleading information, create a document, impersonate a person or business with the intent to deceive the grant provider in order to obtain a benefit, this may constitute a fraud offence under the Criminal Code Act 1913 and be subject to criminal penalties.