You may be aware of the wise advice that to achieve the best outcomes, you should work on your business, not just in it. However, the reality is that some important but non-urgent tasks usually sink to the bottom of the to-do list. This includes maintaining an effective online presence - an essential part of a modern marketing approach. Overall...
In Western Australia, retail trading hours are regulated and your ability to trade depends on the type of business you operate. If you are classified as a general retail shop in the Perth metropolitan region, you’ll be able to open for extended Christmas trading hours from the first Saturday in December. Regional businesses should check with their...
This workshop examines a range of digital marketing options, including social media, email marketing and blogging, to help you understand what would work for your business.
If you’re expecting a surge in business in the 2024-25 financial year that will boost your taxable income, now is the time to plan ahead to make sure you meet your obligations and maximise your cashflow. Take a look at your expected taxable income for the current financial year (2023-24) - that’s the assessable income for your business minus any...
I am pleased to see the ATO has recognised the potential impact of the STP initiative on small and micro businesses; and are considering extending the transition period, as well as, including alternate reporting mechanisms. Single Touch Payroll (STP) – an online payroll initiative designed to streamline the way employers report tax and...
Need the help of a contractor or service provider to help your business? Whether you work from home or run your business from an office or other premises, at some stage you’re likely to need the services of a contractor to help in areas you either don’t have experience in, or don’t have time to take care of. You might need a new web design, an SEO...
The Small Business Friendly Approvals program, funded via a Streamline WA commitment to streamline regulatory processes in Western Australia, has seen the SBDC work with selected local governments to identify reforms that will improve the process of starting and operating a small business in each area. The City of Wanneroo, one of the first local...
Family businesses make up a significant amount of businesses in Australia, but extra care is needed when working with family members. According to Family Business Australia, 70 percent of all businesses in Australia are family businesses. While working with family can be rewarding, it also has its challenges. Although the start of the working...
Automating certain business tasks can help you save time and improve your processes. Here are six simple things to try automating in your business.
This introductory level workshop will teach you how to create graphics for your social media, marketing materials and website using Canva.
Most businesses get into a rhythm doing the same thing day in, day out and often find it difficult to take time out of their routine to invest in self reflection and improvement.
Learn how to navigate hiring your first employee, from ensuring legal compliance through to gaining access to essential resources and documentation that will set you on the path to success.