This guide provides information and general guidance for landlords and tenants that have entered into a leasing agreement on or after 1 January 2013.
Our latest research shows that small business is generating real returns for the Western Australian economy.
Our Small Business Commissioner, David Eaton, is calling on small business tenants and landlords to work together during this difficult time.
The Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC’s) small business services to regional WA have been relaunched as SBDC Regional, giving small businesses across Western Australia access to free, high quality business advice from experienced advisers that the Small Business Development Corporation has offered for 40 years. SBDC Regional will offer...
Keen to try out a retail business idea without the cost or commitment of a long-term lease? A pop-up shop may be the answer. Not having the finances needed to get a great business idea off the ground is a common situation many would-be entrepreneurs find themselves in. Pop-up shops are a great way to give your business idea a go without the cost or...
On 1 July 2024, Business Local became SBDC Regional. While the name has changed, we’re still here providing you with free business advice and support in your area. Find your SBDC Regional provider . When Melissa Raffan’s career took an unexpected trajectory and she became a small business owner, she was driven by her personal passion for...
Following the great feedback we received last year, our staff will continue to hit the airwaves on RTRFM’s ‘Taking Care of Business’ show in 2019. Through these popular interviews, which started last year, we’ll be providing advice and information on current small business trends and the key issues facing the sector. If you miss the interviews when...
On 1 July 2024, Business Local became SBDC Regional. While the name has changed, we’re still here providing you with free business advice and support in your area. Find your SBDC Regional provider . Living in the Kimberley region gives photographer Landi Bradshaw access to some of the world’s most incredible landscapes. But when it comes to running...
On 1 July 2024, Business Local became SBDC Regional. While the name has changed, we’re still here providing you with free business advice and support in your area. Find your SBDC Regional provider . Vicki Read’s personal journey recovering from cancer led her to transforming her hobby of pottery into a full-blown business. After resigning from her...
On 1 July 2024, Business Local became SBDC Regional. While the name has changed, we’re still here providing you with free business advice and support in your area. Find your SBDC Regional provider . By his own admission, Kade Sims is adept at counting beans – the coffee variety that is, not financial figures. So, when the owner of Beck & Call...
On 1 July 2024, Business Local became SBDC Regional. While the name has changed, we’re still here providing you with free business advice and support in your area. Find your SBDC Regional provider . Making the decision to quit his fly-in, fly-out mining job to help care for his young son after a bout of surgery, Jordan Wilson knew he needed to...
Throughout 2018, our staff have been hitting the airwaves on RTRFM’s ‘Taking Care of Business’ show. As part of these monthly chats, we have been able to provide business advice, information on current trends and issues facing small businesses in WA and to share details of our small business workshops and events. If you missed the interviews when...