Gain an understanding of your business financials and learn how to use these numbers for improved business decision making.
Streamline your bookkeeping procedures with Xero, a cloud based accounting software system.
Discover how you can use Facebook and Instagram to increase your business profile and generate more sales.
Actively monitoring and managing your cash flow is vital to tracking the financial health of your business. This practical and interactive workshop explains the process of cash flow planning, including methods and software available to help you.
A risk management plan is essential to identify practical strategies to mitigate potential risks for your business.
Does your business have a clear vision? Gain some clarity on your vision and values and learn how to align them to your strategy to empower your decision making and grow your business.
This workshop will help you calculate your product pricing and explore strategies to maximise profitability.
Financial literacy and capability skills are a necessity for small business owners to manage their cash flow, scale and grow their business.
This practical workshop will guide you through the process of creating a one page marketing plan to help you promote your business in a way that will be cost effective and achieve maximum results.