The Small Business Development Corporation exists to help small businesses start well, survive and thrive.

We understand the challenges of starting and running a business. To provide you with the highest level of support possible, our team is guided by four key principles that make up our customer promise.

SBDC customer promise

 We empower you to make the big decisions

 We’re here at every stage of your journey

 We listen to you

 It’s easy to get our help

Supporting our customer promise are our vision, mission, values and purpose as a State Government agency.

Our vision

For a strong and enterprising small business sector in Western Australia.

Our mission

Deliver and facilitate relevant, practical support to small businesses and advocate on their behalf.

Our values

  • Enterprise — we value a solution-focused and inventive culture.
  • Collaboration — we actively work with others to achieve shared goals.
  • Integrity — we act with courage, honesty and respect.

Our purpose

Unleashing Western Australians’ enterprising business spirit.

Download a summary of our purpose and promises.

Share your experience

Whether it’s a compliment or an area for improvement, we’re always keen to receive feedback from our clients.

Use our contact form to let us know about your experience with the SBDC.

Note: If you are a current user of our business advisory, workshops or dispute resolution services, we will contact you directly by email to learn about your experience.


Complaints are managed promptly and in strict confidence. You can raise your complaint with any member of staff or, if preferred, lodge directly with our Director of Corporate Services. View more information on how to lodge a complaint.