Explains key areas of business contracts such as the essential elements of a contract, the general terms and structure of an agreement, what is considered an unfair contract term and what you need to know before signing a contract.
Find out more about the work we are doing to minimise the impact of construction on small businesses by providing a practical framework for government organisations and industry.
Find out what your business plan should include and download our free template to help you get started.
Selling a franchise is different to selling a ‘standard’ business. This page provides an overview of key information you need to know when selling a franchise.
Information to help you resolve leasing issues with your landlord. Includes likes to useful resources on what you need to know when leasing business premises.
Find out how you can anonymously report unfair business practices (such as systemic late payments, non-payment, unfair contract terms or a breach of contract) to the SBDC for investigation.
Find out more about business licences and permits and access our free online Business Licence Finder to get a list of the licences, permits and registrations you need for your business.
Information on where to find local, state and federal government tenders.
Establishing positive and mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers is crucial to the success of your business. This guide provides an overview of how you can find the right suppliers for your business.
Follow these steps to help you decide if you are ready to go into business, how to get started and where to seek help along the way.
Key information on buying a franchise business and the factors you need to consider before signing up.