There’s no such thing as a stress-free business, as Narelle and Andrew Anderson know. Even the kind of business designed to help people de-stress can present a range of challenges – but it’s worth remembering that help is always available. Narelle and Andrew Anderson’s business The Life Spring operates across two locations. They have three float...
In a world where customers are often driven online to find the cheapest option, it can be hard for bricks-and-mortar businesses to feel they have a fair chance to be competitive. Bricks-and-mortar business can be tough – but there are also some fantastic advantages that might not work for online businesses, particularly in light of recent pressures...
The SBDC’s own Facebook group, ‘I’m a small business owner in Western Australia’, was created in 2014 to provide an active online community in which local business owners could network, ask for advice and share knowledge. The group recently hit the 15,000 member mark, and has proved to be a highly appreciated asset for small business owners to...
Here are three factors to consider when you’re planning a fit out for business premises you will be leasing.
Offering a discount isn’t the only way to drive more sales. Learn about some proven techniques to help you sell more. There are a number of quick and easy sales techniques you can use online and in-person this festive season to attract shoppers and those keen to support local businesses. Here are some ideas to help you get started. Offer a value...
Buying an established business can be challenging – but it can help knowing there’s somewhere you can turn for support. Jasmine Kik from Fireplaces WA uses our SBDC services regularly and shares her story. Fireplaces WA is a family-owned business offering a range of gas, wood, bio-ethanol, and electric fireplaces. According to the Fireplaces WA...
Once you’ve developed your business plan, successfully launched your business and are starting to enjoy life as an entrepreneur, you may be thinking about the best ways to take your business to the next level. Whether you work from home or from other premises, one way to get more done in your business is to hire some extra hands to help. Hiring...
We understand that small businesses are facing an unprecedented time of disruption resulting from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. While sadly many businesses have no option other than to close their doors, here at the Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) we are hearing about business owners who have been able to innovate and find a...
The founder of Impact Digi, Tamara Bin Amat, advises other indigenous businesses to stay true to their roots and collaborate with other community-driven enterprises as a path to business success. Impact Digi is a Karratha based digital design business which employs a team of nine. Its client portfolio includes fellow indigenous and non-indigenous...
Your business could benefit from using a range of digital tools and apps to help manage your finances, keep accurate records, sell online, oversee social media accounts, improve productivity, engage your employees and customers, and more. Whether you want to boost your sales, streamline your processes or stop spending so much time updating...
The switch from employee to boss isn’t always an easy – and neither is working with your spouse. Here are some insights shared by business owners Molly and Jordan Kirk, who co-own a commercial refrigeration and air conditioning business in Perth. Molly and her husband Jordan worked for a refrigeration company and later bought out the business under...
Find out more about the changes that will come into play from 1 July 2021 that are likely to have an impact on your business.