How much should you spend on marketing? Learn how to set a marketing budget, track your spending and understand typical advertising costs for both digital and traditional channels.
Streamline your bookkeeping procedures with Xero, a cloud based accounting software system.
Discover how you can use low-cost digital applications to improve business productivity and efficiency.
This workshop will help you calculate your product pricing and explore strategies to maximise profitability.
Discover how you can utilise the power of AI in your business to help generate content and increase productivity.
Having a strategic plan ensures you are well placed to achieve your business and personal goals. It is vital to achieve your desired outcomes quickly and effectively.
There has never been a time when your resilience as a small business owner has been more critical. This workshop explores some of the tools you can use to build your resilience and maintain a healthy, positive mindset.
Discover the power of using storytelling in your marketing and how it can transform the way your brand is seen by customers.
This workshop will help businesses feel empowered to tell their story and connect the dots in their brand and marketing strategy.
Preparing a tender to secure a new contract or funding? Uncover all the tips and tactics to write a winning submission.
Providing excellent customer service encourages your customers to keep coming back. This workshop explains tools and techniques that can help you build lasting customer relationships.
What should you do after a cyber security breach? In this workshop you will learn who to contact, how to continue operations, and what to change in the event of a cyber security breach.