Explains the legal obligations of a business owner in key areas such as business structures and registrations, selling goods and services, contracts, employing staff and more.
Download and read our corporate publications, including our strategic plan and annual report.
An overview of the key financial processes and procedures to set up as a business owner. This includes a business bank account, budget, establishing an accounting system, reviewing your accounts, providing credit and collecting outstanding debts.
Information on how the process of recruiting staff and managing their performance.
We can assist with disputes about contracts, leases, non-payment or non-performance, unfair terms and other issues.
Having standard (written) terms and conditions (T&Cs) in place are essential when starting a business – they are the legal basis on which you will be engaging with customers.
Key information on buying a franchise business and the factors you need to consider before signing up.
Find out more about using the Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) website, privacy information and copyright.
Explains a variety of simple and and effective ways that you can protect your business information from cyber criminals.
An introduction to the Australian Competition and Consumer Act which covers the relationships between suppliers, wholesalers, retailers and customers.
Find out more about the SBDC's dispute resolution service that can help you resolve a problem with another business or a government department.