Should you borrow money from your family? Questions to ask yourself before getting loved ones involved.
Our business advisory team receives a number of calls from business owners who provide services or support to participants of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or are considering becoming NDIS providers. Here are the top questions business owners have been asking about the NDIS - and answers from an NDIS expert. The National...
Paying for professional advice when you start a business will save you money later on. So what advice is worth paying for? The answer to this question really depends on the kind of business you run. For example, if you’re an accountant running your own business, you know your way around a profit and loss statement and understand the difference...
When you first develop an idea you may decide to test it as a hobby but it’s important for tax purposes to know when an activity becomes a business
A feature of my role as the Small Business Commissioner is that I am often asked about emerging issues in the small business landscape, particularly as each new year commences. While I sometimes wish for a clearer crystal ball, the benefit of having a network of peers across business and all levels of government, as well as having access to our in...
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but it certainly doesn’t feel that way when someone copies your business idea, product or artwork. So what protections do you have available to stop a copycat? There is nothing that can infuriate a business owner as much as noticing something they have come up with being used by another business...
Find out what Western Australian business owners have said are the most important things they have learnt about running a business.
Supply contracting is common in a number of industries, particularly in the construction, information and communications technology, manufacturing, government and professional services sectors. We asked Lisa Legena, manager of our Advisory Services team, to share her top tips on the factors to consider before you agree to a supply contract...
Since it started in Western Australia in late 2020, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has had significant scrutiny, with final reports on the Royal Commission and a formal review of the scheme delivered in 2023. The Australian Government’s response has included making legislative changes that started on 3 October 2024 that you should...
If you’re working full-time but are considering starting a business, here are four top tips to help you make the transition. Step one: Do your research Before you take a leap of faith, learn as much as you can about your selected industry. (It’s surprising how often we meet clients who are planning to start businesses in industries in which they...
We’ve all been there at some point, unhappy at work and looking for a career change, or just wanting to make a go of it on your own. Starting a new business is a big deal. To help you decide if your business idea could work, we’ve put together some thought starters to get your head (and idea) in the right space. Get to know your audience What...
The International Day of People with Disability (3 December 2023) is a United Nations observance celebrated throughout the world each year. The day aims to increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability and celebrate their achievements and contributions. One in five Western Australians, or more than 411,500 people...