Business owners who constantly learn new skills will be the ones who adapt best in a changing environment
There’s a fine line between being a business contractor with an Australian Business Number (ABN) and being an employee. If you’re a contractor with your own ABN, read these tips to help make sure you’re being treated fairly and meeting your obligations. In some industries, for example in the construction industry, it’s common for businesses to...
Do you feel like a vehicle you purchased for your business has been more trouble than it’s worth? No one likes the idea of having purchased a lemon, especially given the expense of buying a vehicle and your expectation of how it will save you time and money. As warranty periods can be limited, especially for second hand vehicles, the most important...
Are you considering producing beverages, such as craft beer or juices, as a business? The Western Australian Planning Commission has produced new guidance to help navigate land use planning considerations for beverage production in WA. We’ve put together a summary to help you. What is beverage production? The term beverage production covers...
You may be aware of the wise advice that to achieve the best outcomes, you should work on your business, not just in it. However, the reality is that some important but non-urgent tasks usually sink to the bottom of the to-do list. This includes maintaining an effective online presence - an essential part of a modern marketing approach. Overall...
In today’s competitive markets, you can’t afford to lose sales through poor customer service. Wow your customers with our tips on how to keep them happy.
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but it certainly doesn’t feel that way when someone copies your business idea, product or artwork. So what protections do you have available to stop a copycat? There is nothing that can infuriate a business owner as much as noticing something they have come up with being used by another business...
With spring in the air, now is the time to take stock of your business and get organised before the busy festive season
Are you finding it hard to work out how much you should be charging for your services? One of the most common questions we’re asked by new business owners is how much should they be charging per hour for their services. There are a number of factors to consider when setting an hourly rate. Here are our top tips if you are running a service-based...
If you’re one of the many small business owners across WA facing rising costs, uncertain economic conditions and the impact of inflation, you’re not alone. While you can’t control these factors, you can take action to help put your business in the strongest position possible. We asked one of our experienced business advisers, Brian Childs, for some...
Here is a run-down of the key changes taking effect from 1 July 2023 that are likely to have an impact on small business owners in Western Australia. New minimum wages The minimum wages for both the federal and state industrial relations systems will increase from the first pay on or after 1 July 2023. National minimum wage increase If your...
These days, the risk of data breaches isn’t just something big corporations need to think about. Here are some essential tips and actions to help you protect your data security for your small business. Some major data breaches have made the headlines recently – and, unfortunately, these are not likely to be the only major data leaks we’ll hear...